Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Had Every Intention On Creating A Blog Post, But...

I had every intention on creating a blog post, but my husband has been sick since Thursday.  Which means I have been thrust into the role of nurse-on-duty, while being caretaker to TWO puppies (translation: referee/feeder/walker/pooper scooper).

Hot flashes have spilled onto the dining room floor that I have yet to mop. Speaking of spills, how/when did that spill happen at the bottom of my shiny, new gas range? The laundry pile isn't going to wash itself, and - oh yeah - I have yet to get something to eat.

I had every intention on creating a blog post, but a three-hour catnap trumped everything. And when I awoke, it was time to walk a defiant dog on a rainy day, hellbent on keeping her lady paws dry. Hubby wants a cup of tea with honey, and our pittie puppy needs to be fed. And played with. Then reprimanded for chasing the Min Pin.

Paper towel, Ginger Ale and Lysol Disinfectant needs to be restocked.  But not before I order myself a pizza.  Hubby needs a load of laundry done, and little Zora is walking behind me on her hind legs in anticipation of her oven-baked treats.  And the pittie pup just puked all in his crate, in the short time it took me to pour Zora's food...

I had every intention on creating a blog post, but life stepped in with its own rewrite.

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